I’m neither a hardcore believer nor a complete skeptic. For me, there’s no definitive proof that ghosts exist, but also none that they don’t. So, I just wanted to give it a try – and what happened really blew my mind.
Yesterday, I had my first ghost session. No Ouija board, no over-the-top American ghost hunter gadgets – just a simple recording device and an EMF meter, things that are as objective as possible. I just wanted to see if anything unusual would happen.
We were in an old forest cabin, kind of like a public grill spot, half open. During the session, I politely said that it would be cool if any spirit could make itself known, preferably with two knocks. And then it happened.
After about 20-60 seconds, there were suddenly two loud knocks on one of the outer posts of the cabin – really loud, not just a faint creak or random noise! Then, complete silence. We later sat there smoking and chatting, but the knocking never happened again.
Right after that, we suddenly got freezing cold 🥶. The cold came in waves, disappeared, and then returned, even though the weather had been calm before. Was it just a coincidence, or something more? I don’t know, but the timing was eerily strange.
Today, I’m going to listen to the recordings – maybe there’s something we didn’t hear with our own ears. I’m curious if anything shows up!
Do I now fully believe in ghosts? No. Can I completely rule it out? Also no. But this experience is something I won’t forget anytime soon.
Have you ever experienced something like this? Do you believe in ghosts, or do you think it was just a huge coincidence? 👀💭